
Cigarette Pillowbag vydává debutové EP! Hudba

Ahoj, už dva roky vystupuji po Evropě s písničkami co si produkuju u sebe doma v Liberci. V dubnu budu vydávat svoje debutový EP, pokud tě moje tvorba zaujala, můžeš mi ho pomoct dostat mezi lidi!


ReachedCZK 11,700(117%)

CZK 10,000requested

Two years after releasing my debut single 'Meeting disorder', the time has finally come to make something a little bit bigger. For the last 7 months I've been writing and producing new tracks that I am going to share with you this spring on my debut EP! With this campaign, you can help me make CDs and market the EP better.

The only left to do is mixing for the most part so you can expect the EP to be released in the first half of april.

Who is cigarette pillowbag?

In the summer of 2017 i went to Scotland to work as a raspberry picker, but the farm yield was much smaller than expected so I've been fired after a week. Unlike other workers, who arrived earlier and thus had a chance to work on the farm for a longer period of time, I didn't have money for the ticket back. There's an amazing street music scene in Britain, so I listened to the advice of the people who stayed on the farm and went to try it as well. During my two weeks of playing on the streets of Dundee I fell in love with street art so much, that it didn't take very long before I tried it in Czechia as well.

At the beginning, I was quite worried that Czech people do not really understand street art, but that didn't turn out to be really true. I loved doing street music so much, that after finishing high school in the summer of 2019, I've decided to pursue a musical career. At that time I've started performing on streets and in bars under my current pseudonym. During the lockdown at the beginning of 2021, after 2 years of doing cover videos on YouTube, I've released my debut single 'Meeting disorder'. In the summer of the same year I also performed for the first time with a band that I've put together for this project. Since then, we've played countless concerts in the Liberec region and Prague, I've also performed solo at a festival in Brno or at a showcase in Milano to name a few.

My latest single Thought I Will Dance Here On My Own

What to expect from the ep?

As mentioned above, the EP was being made in the second half of the previous year and it combines drawn out vocals with synthesizers and guitar riffs into an indie pop that you're gonna fall in love with. Same as my previous releases, the songs from the ep have also been recorded and produced in my home studio in Liberec so most of the money from the campaign can go towards making CDs and marketing the EP.

It has been a lot of work, but in no time I'll finally be able to put it out into the world. Thank you so much if you decide to pre-order the EP and if you don't have any spare cash, don't worry, it'll be released on all major streaming platforms!

I can't wait until you hear it, see you soon, bye!


ReachedCZK 11,700(117%)

CZK 10,000requested


CZK 100Deska ke stažení ve formátu WAV

Po vydání EP ti zašlu odkaz, kde si budeš moct stáhnout všechny skladby v té největší kvalitě!

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

CZK 300Deska na CD

Budeš jeden z prvních kdo desku dostane na CD!

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

CZK 500Deska na CD + vstupenka na křest v Liberci/Praze

Chvilku po vydání desky udělám křest v Praze a Liberci, kde v žádným případě nebudeš chybět a ještě ti k tomu dám desku!

Number of available rewards: 33/35

Reward unavailable

CZK 900Deska na CD + vstupenka na křest v Liberci/Praze + tričko s artworkem desky

Chvilku po vydání desky udělám křest v Praze a Liberci, kde v žádným případě nebudeš chybět a ještě ti k tomu dám tričko s deskou!

Number of available rewards: 29/35

Reward unavailable

CZK 4,000Koncert v obýváku

Přijedu kamkoliv po ČR a zahraju ti sólový, hodinový set na kytaru! (Jen po ČR)

Number of available rewards: 6/6

Reward unavailable

CZK 7,000Soukromý koncert kapely

Pokud by jsi vznik téhle desky chtěl podpořit úplně nejvíc co to jde, tak ti s touhle odměnou přijedeme zahrát naší show s celou kapelou! (Jen po ČR)

Number of available rewards: 2/2

Reward unavailable