

Online tankové bitvy pro více hráčů ★ A multiplayer online tank battle game

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Panzerkampf - but why?

We are passionate tank players! Unfortunately, there isn't yet a tank game available on PC and consoles that we would truly enjoy enough and get excited about in the long term. That's why we had no choice but to create a game of our own. Well, and because we have more than a decade of experience in online game development, Panzerkampf was able to come into being.

Panzerkampf DEMO download

*once you download the file and click it to run it takes a while...

Panzerkampf - what is it all about?

It's a team-based 10vs10 players World War II tank battle game for PC and consoles (post beta). Later we will also add battles with tanks from the modern era. We play with historically accurate models of tanks, their armor, weapons and all their parameters*. The game includes a full ballistics model with realistic calculations of penetrations and projectile ricochets, an observation/detection and surveillance system, and a physically realistic model of the motion of the tank and its wheels and tracks down to the level of individual track-links.

In our game there are only real tanks (and their versions) and experimental versions of tanks at least at the level of actually existing drawings.

You won't find any unbalanced P2W tanks, annoying tank classes, or unfair battle tank line-ups in our game.

We put extreme emphasis on gameplay and player experience. We will actively review and take into account player comments & reports in order to make their experience of playing our game as good as possible.

*Exceptions to the rule here is to consider all possibilities to maintain the balance of the game and its playability. E.g. We armed our Panzer I Ausf. A with the EW 141 anti-tank gun (instead of one of the two original MG34 anti-infantry machine guns), which the tank was not armed with until the Ausf.C version.

What are the technical and technological features of the game?

The game runs on the latest High Definition rendering technology. Over 90% of all textures in the game are 4K resolution, both for tanks and the surrounding landscape. Tank models and environments are very detailed. For example, the Tiger tank model you can see in the trailer and in the images here has over 140k triangles. The particle effects use advanced animation and rendering technology. The sounds of the tanks and their gunshots are the sounds of real tank engines and weapons, including of course the legendary German 88mm! All of this allows us to achieve quite a reasonable visual level of the game from the start.

Raytracing is on the list for implementation.

How far along are you with the development of the game? Is the demo ready?

We are currently entering the final stages of development. Development on the PC platform, especially considering the level of processing requirements of modern games, is slow and expensive. We would use the support from this campaign to further improve the quality (technical and audio-visual), but mainly to speed up the completion of the game, as we can't wait to play it with you ourselves :)!

The official website of the game is www.panzerkampf.net

Join our discord server and discuss the game with us and others:Panzerkampf Discord Server

You can already download the playable demo here: Panzerkampf DEMO download

Controls:  WSAD, doubletap 1-2-3 ammo, 4-5-6 consumables, mouse wheel camera, LSHIFT zoom, NUMPAD +/- minimap.

You will fight 8vs8 against other players and bots In the demo version of the game. Maybe you'll find some bugs here and there... Well, what the heck, it's an internal test version, but we're working on it:)!

Our slower test configuration is a Ryzen 3600, GTX 1080 8GB, 16GB DDR4 RAM, NVMe SSD and it gives upto 60FPS at 1440p.

If I back the game, do I get anything extra?

Everyone who supports us here in the development of the game will receive a reward from us. The specific reward depends on the specific level of contribution. Rewards that are visual in nature are shown in the game images embedded in the text below.

Please make sure that the email you use when making a contribution is also used to create an in-game account so that your rewards can be activated in the game.

Any contribution, for which the reward has not been selected, will automatically be assigned the reward closest to the value of that contribution. However, you must make sure that the same email address that was entered when the contribution was made is used when creating the account in the finished game. This will allow a reward to be linked with such an account.

★ Early V.I.P. Access ★ Every single backer, regardless of their level of contribution, will receive a V.I.P. invitation via email from us to get early access to the beta version of the game right at launch.

★ Permanent tank badges ★ Backers of a given contribution level will receive permanent badges for the hulls and hulls+turrets of all of their tanks. Badges are divided into bronze, silver, gold and platinum classes. You can see the enlarged platinum badges on the hull and turret of our Panther Ausf.G tank in the picture below.

If you choose to support us by making more than one contribution at more than one reward level of permanent tank badges, we will always display the highest reward in the game. Example: you purchase a bronze tank hull badge and then decide to buy a double golden badge - for the hull and turret of the tank. The game will always display the enlarged gold badge on the hull and turret of all your tanks.

★ Unique Backer Tank ★ A limited number of backers with contribution at this level will receive the unique PzKpfw IV Schürzen backer tank with additional cumulative shell protection shielding. The tank has the enlargerd platinum permanent badge on the turret and hull. The tank will display a permanent order serial number in which the backer made such a contribution. The tank will also bring +50% more silver from each battle than any other regular tank. This rare tank will never be available to players in the game ever again as of the end date of this campaign.

New Year´s gift from us for this item: As an added bonus, we are extending the validity of displaying the set of permanent enlarged platinum hull and turret badges not only to this tank, but to all other tanks of the original and future owners of this one-off!


★ ★ ★

Thank you very much for your support!



project authorCrazyTankers


€5Předběžný V.I.P. přístup ★ Early V.I.P. Acess

Panzerkampf BETA banner VIP 16_9.jpg

Každý jednotlivý podporovatel, bez ohledu na úroveň svého příspěvku, od nás e-mailem dostane V.I.P. pozvánku do předběžného přístupu beta-verze hry právě v okamžiku jejího spuštění. Every single backer, regardless of their level of contribution, will receive a V.I.P. invitation by email from us to early access of the beta version of the game at the moment of its launch.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€10Bronzový permanentní PK odznak na trup ★ Bronze permanent PK hull badge

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Bronzový permanentní odznak na trup všech tanků podporovatele. Bronze permanent badge on the hull of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€15Stříbrný permanentní PK odznak na trup ★ Silver permanent PK hull badge

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Stříbrný permanentní odznak na trup všech tanků podporovatele. Silver permanent badge on the hull of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€20Zlatý permanentní PK odznak na trup ★ Golden permanent PK hull badge

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Zlatý permanentní odznak na trup všech tanků podporovatele. Golden permanent badge on the hull of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€25Platinový permanentní PK odznak na trup ★ Platinum permanent PK hull badge

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Platinový permanentní odznak na trup všech tanků podporovatele. Platinum permanent badge on the hull of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€30Bronzový permanentní PK odznak na trup a na věž ★ Bronze permanent PK hull and turret badge

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Bronzový permanentní zvětšený odznak na trup a věž všech tanků podporovatele. Bronze permanent enlarged badge on the hull and turret of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€40Stříbrný permanentní PK odznak na trup a na věž ★ Silver permanent PK hull and turret badge

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Stříbrný permanentní zvětšený odznak na trup a věž všech tanků podporovatele. Silver permanent enlarged badge on the hull and turret of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€50Zlatý permanentní PK odznak na trup a na věž ★ Golden permanent PK hull and turret badge

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Zlatý permanentní zvětšený odznak na trup a věž všech tanků podporovatele. Golden permanent enlarged badge on the hull and turret of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€60Platinový permanentní PK odznak na trup a na věž ★ Platinum permanent PK hull and turret badge

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Platinový permanentní zvětšený odznak na trup a věž všech tanků podporovatele. Platinum permanent enlarged badge on the hull and turret of all supporter tanks.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€100Unikátní podporovatelský tank ★ Rare supporter tank


Unikátní podporovatelský tank s duálním platinovým odznakem, pořadovým číslem, +50% zisku z každé bitvy a v omezeném množství. Unique backer tank with dual platinum badge, serial number, +50% profit from every battle and in limited availability.

Number of available rewards: 128/300

Reward unavailable