
Get Lukáš back on stage - Broken Master tour 2024




Well, freinds, here its is, a performance combining effected flutes, didgeridoo dance rhythms and peppery vocal expressions (singing, beatboxing). The unique musical perfromance is called Broken Master, and it will be about the strenght that is in a human being who wants to be living instead of just surviving, to tell the truth and to don't be afraid of judgement of others, to be healthy in such a way that at sixty without a start he jumps onto the table and without asking if it is possible, to be eager to express his soul, whether subtle of opulent. The performance of a joker who was given his body by a guy.

BROKEN MASTER perfomance and tour 2024

The sound of the didgeridoo offers tremendous dynamism in expression. From harmonic surfaces to sharp rhythms and vocal effects. It is an archaic primitive instrument that is expressively unlimited in its rawness of sound.

Flutes - are the most refined manifaestation of our exhalation, our connection to the life and the present moment. For the performance of Broken Master, they represent the backbone of the compositions, they are played with cyclic breath, which further enhances the aspect of infinity, at a speed of 200bpm and effects. Flutes are unjustly completely neglected by the current music scene.

Dance music played on acoustic instruemtns that requires interpretation skills, power, dynamics and authenticity is something that I miss in the current dance music scene and this solo performance will bring it. When I play the world is right. I play performances based on dance rhythms, mastery of musical instruments and spontaneity, within the boundaries of Acoustic DnB, World-music, Rap-Rock genres.

The title is inspired by one fantasy book where an old elven master (Oromis-elda) teaches the hero, but himself he is a cripple from previous battles with evil. I find this to be accurate and at the same time provocative enough for those unfamiliar with my life´s vicissitudes to make them interested :)


I am a musician, teacher and maker of musical instruments (didgeridoo) Lukáš Pilnaj and until recently I was an active performer on the Czech and European scene, both solo as well as in musical projects ... Duo Deši, Deshane, Kus Kus Klan, Jorba, Merbo Trubky. I am renovating a rural building where we organize events for the public under the flag of the Hvozd Association, and I am popularizing the didgeridoo culture with my courses. Here I link to my website, fcb. instagram, youtube channel.

   However, one morning in 2021, I woke up with a shattered inner ear, i.e. heraing loss, hallucinations, loss of balance, etc. With a medical prognosis of progressive and irreversible  hearing loss within a year. I did not accept the diagnosis, and I understood that this disease is right there for me, because hearing is the main sense that I need in my life. I looked for other experts, and I found: the alternative ones, outside the healthcare system, which everyone has to pay for themselves. Thanks to these wonderful therapists, healers, microdosing psylocybin, and family support, I was able to move on from this diagnosis and am now on my way to a full recovery. As a reborn, I now have a  huge desire and a clear vision to realize my solo performance.


How did it begin?

Most likely on the 27th visit to the hyperbaric chamber, where me together with the other patients, tried to get out of the incurable diagnosis. In my case, progressive hearing loss and Meniere´s syndrome.The idea was... if I could miraculously ge out of "this" and get a second chance as a musician, it would looke like this: go straight to people, open myself and work with something authentic in that moment in a formable way musically. Don´t hide behind the instrument, virtuosity or teammates. Exceeding the boundaries of the expected, but at the same time keeping everything in tempo and musical quality.

What is the intention?

   To excite you, entertain you and myself, awaken the soul, be a child, a hunter, in music and movement.

Why Crowdfunding?

I decided to use the crowdfunding because I realized that for the direct realization of my artistic vision I need quite a lot of money, which I can no longer afford to suck up from the family budget, which is already burdened by my therapy expenses. As a maker of musical instruments and the owner of a country estate, I don´t have much money for renovation.But many people from abroad support me and cheer me on. 

   So  I am going to test how generous the universe inside people can be :)

Thanks for your support in crucial moment.

Lukáš Pilnaj

fcb: Lukáš Pilnaj

Inst.: didgeridoo.pilnaj.craft

You tube channell: Lukas Pilnaj Didgeridoo




project authorlukas


€10throw in the hat --- něco do klobouku a panáček zatroubí

Bez názvu 4.jpg

I'm just throwing in the hat because the transcendental cosmic vibration is enough for me and I don't need anything material --- Házím do klobouku jen tak, protože mi stačí transcedentální vesmírná vibrace a nepotřebuji nic hmotného

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€20The key ring --------Přívěšek na klíče


The number of rewards is not limited

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€20You can start my performance by reciting your own poetry --- Můžeš zahájit mé vystoupení recitací vlastní básně


or by the dance of Yours --- nebo vlastním tanečkem!

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€30Wave from the stage with a personal greeting --- zamávat z pódia s osobním pozdravem

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€40T-shirt with a graphic of my coming album --- triko s motivem nacházejícího alba


Expected delivery of the reward: December 2023

Number of available rewards: 15/20

Reward unavailable

€90privat Tea ceremony at Hvozd --- osobní čajový obřad ve Hvozdu


There will be served Kee Mun tea together with shakuhachi tune in zen gardens of Hvozd. podávat se bude Kee Mun Mao Feng Imperial v našich zenových zahradách a to i s flétnou shakuhachi

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€100Thunderbolt rhythm sticks --- rytmická dřívka Thunderbolt


Rhythm sticks of our production - made of black lotus tree and burned --- Rytmická dřívka naší výroby z Akátu,opálená. najdete zde:

The number of rewards is not limited

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€130Didgeridoo mouthpiece protector - ochraný kryt náustku didgeridoo


Expected delivery of the reward: December 2023

Number of available rewards: 14/14

Reward unavailable

€250home acoustic concert of the Three Flutes --- Domácí akustický koncert Tři Flétny


A home acoustic concert on the Three Flutes, interspersed with a small lecture on the original philosophies associated with them... why the didgeridoo can be a flute, why Fujara of mine is actually Fukara and also something about the monks of Komusó. for 20 listeneres max. 40minutes --- Domácí akustický přednes na Tři Flétny, propojené s malou přednáškou o puvodních filosofiích s nimi spojenými... proč didgeridoo může být flétnou, proč má Fujara je vlastně Fukara a též cosi o mniších Nicoty. Pro max. 20. posluchačů. cca 40min.

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€400performance Broken Master


full power performance Broken Master. Voice-Didgeridoo-Flutes and looper. Requires amplification. If I shall arrange the sound, is it +200euro.Travenling costs has to be paid extra. Does not apply to political or comercial evets. --- představení BROKEN MASTER. Hlas-didgeridoo-flétny a smyčkovač. Vyžaduje ozvučení. Pokud mám ozvučení zařídit sám je to o 200euro více. Cestovní náklady musí být vyplaceny navíc. Nevztahuje se na politické či komerční události.

The number of rewards is not limited

Reward unavailable

€1,000Dual-didgeridoo Golden Flash --- oboustraně hratelná cestovní didge Golden flash


Both-sides playable traveling didgeridoo in leather case, providing two drones. more:

Number of available rewards: 3/3

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